Calories are a unit of measurement of energy received from consuming food and beverages, including the energy the body uses to carry out various activities in daily life. Calculating calories each day is an important thing that helps the body receive the right amount of energy. In particular, those who want to lose weight should understand the correct calorie calculation in order to adjust their eating and exercise behavior appropriately.

In fact, reducing calories by even 100 calories from our food can bring about changes. Because eliminating 100 calories can help us lose weight. Today UFABET have a way to reduce calories without having to fast. If you can do this, you will definitely see the numbers on the scale go down.
In general, men should consume around 2,000 calories per day, while women should consume around 1,600 calories per day. However, each person’s energy needs vary depending on several factors, such as weight, age, and daily activity levels.
3,500 kilocalories of energy equals 1 pound of fat , or about 0.45 kilograms. People who are overweight and want to lose 0.5-1 kilograms per week should reduce the amount of food and drinks they consume to about 500-600 kilocalories less than the energy the body needs per day.
Ways to Cut Calories Without Dieting
- Eat fewer carbohydrates.
- Replace snacks with fruits.
- Avoid drinking fruit juices and sugary drinks.
- Eat more lean protein.
- Drink the right amount of water.
- Reduce fried foods, Avoid carbonated drinks and Chew your food slowly.
- Exercise regularly.
To successfully lose weight, it is certainly necessary to keep the calorie intake within the amount your body needs each day. However, counting calorie is quite difficult and involves a lot of fussy details. Many people who start to lose weight using this method of counting calorie eventually give up.
If you want to lose weight effectively and control your weight in the long term, you should adjust your eating habits to ensure that your body receives the right amount of calorie, along with regular exercise.