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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Endorphins, the feel-good chemicals, provide benefits to the body.

The word ” endorphin ” comes from two roots: “endogenous” meaning within the body and “morphine” meaning a drug that relieves pain. Endorphins are neurotransmitters produced by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus gland. They are natural hormones that help relieve pain, reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance well-being.

Cold pressed juice, a healthy secret

Cold pressed juice, a healthy drink, rich in vitamins from vegetables and fruits, an option for those who are losing weight, helps increase the efficiency of the digestive system, reduces constipation. Can fruit juice really help you lose weight? Juice extracts cannot be consumed to lose

Why are ‘menopause’ people at risk of osteoporosis?

Have you ever wondered how menopause is related to osteoporosis ? Why do postmenopausal women tend to lose bone mass and be at risk of osteoporosis? This article will answer your questions and give you advice on how to take care of yourself to reduce the risk that will occur

Birth control pills are > 90% effective in preventing pregnancy

Birth control pills are > 90% effective in preventing pregnancy. They also help regulate menstrual cycles, relieve menstrual pain, heavy menstruation, reduce acne, reduce the risk of ovarian and uterine cancers, and help treat endometriosis. However, birth control pills do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

What is love bombing?

Love bombing is the act of giving an intense amount of love at the beginning of a relationship in order to impress the other person, make them fall in love, and make them feel indispensable. When the person receiving the attention feels so attached that they

Properties of aloe vera for the skin.

Properties of aloe vera for the skin as a beauty enhancer, the appearance of the Aloe Vera is long and slender with thorns on the sides similar to the tail of a crocodile, which is the origin of the name. However, the origin of the

“Superfood” health and are always popular.

Superfood are a group of foods that are highly beneficial to the body, often coming from nature, including menus that combine to provide high nutritional value, emphasizing the process of making and producing from nature, or even methods that preserve nutrients completely. This is classified as this

How to reduce calories intake appropriately and without harm.

Calories are a unit of measurement of energy received from consuming food and beverages, including the energy the body uses to carry out various activities in daily life. Calculating calories each day is an important thing that helps the body receive the right amount of